One day while I was working in my office, those same old questions started nagging at me again - “Am I in the right place?” , “Am I doing what God wants me to do?” , “What is my purpose? “ Even my daily calendar was sending me nagging messages like “Allow your clouded mind to settle and your course becomes clear” and “When you remove the unnecessary layers you have the clarity to see what is truly important” and, finally, “Don’t die with big dreams and good deeds wadded up in your pocket.” I knew God was trying to tell me something, but frustratingly, I couldn’t figure out what. Then the phone rang.
My friend had hit a dog and was devastated. I rushed to where she was and the whole time I was thinking “How can I help the dog?” “How can I help my friend?” “How can I help in any way in this situation?” Unfortunately, the dog had been killed instantly and Animal Services had already taken him away by the time I got there.
Driving home, I just couldn’t get past the question “How could I have helped? What if the dog had been injured and needed treatment? How would I have gotten him into my car? Who would I take him to? How do I make sure I handle him correctly so he doesn’t get injured further?” Then the light bulbs went off. “Why isn’t there a service that handles pet emergencies like there is for humans?“ I was shocked when I thought about it and realized that a service like this does not exist. I was even more shocked when it dawned on me that I had written a research paper about this - an animal ambulance service - over 25 years ago as a Vet Tech and Pre-Vet student in college.
After this experience, my purpose was clear - I would start an animal ambulance service to serve pets, pet owners, emergency Vet clinics, Vets, Humane Societies, Animal Services, and all pet entities, to achieve the ultimate goal for all those involved in pet care - provide immediate, professional, compassionate care for pets.
Cheryl Brady
Owner/Founder, Vet Care Express
